
Argument: The use of nuclear weapons is undemocratic

Issue Report: Abolition of nuclear weapons


  • David Krieger. “Ten Reasons to Abolish Nuclear Weapons”. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Retrieved 2.11.08 – “6. Reverse Concentration of Power. Nuclear weapons undermine democracy by giving a few individuals the power to destroy the world as we know it. No one should have this much power. If these individuals make a mistake or misjudgment, everyone in the world will pay for it. 7. Promote Democratic Openness. Decisions about nuclear weapons have been made largely in secrecy with little involvement from the public. In the United States, for example, nuclear weapons policy is set forth in highly classified documents, which are not made available to the public and come to public attention only by leaks. On this most important of all issues facing humanity, there is no informed consent of the people.”