
Argument: Public breastfeeding allows feeding whenever baby is hungry

Issue Report: Breastfeeding in public


Lindsey Nelson. “Breastfeeding Mothers Deserve Freedom of Movement.” FirstRight Advisory Council Member on Opposing Views: “In order to achieve an optimal breastfeeding relationship, it is recommended that women breastfeed their child directly from the breast at the first hunger cues[2]. Children, especially the youngest babies, do not often have predictable feeding schedules and should not be required to wait to be fed or nurtured. It is not uncommon for a child to nurse for twenty or more minutes at a time and sometimes as often as once every hour or two[3]. Pumping milk into bottles for when the family is away from home, attempting to time outings around feedings or to slip away to a restroom or vehicle force mothers and children into isolation, may be detrimental to a successful breastfeeding relationship and are unrealistic expectations.”

Nicki Heskin, Breastfeeding & Early Childhood Writer. “Babies Can’t Read a Clock” On Opposing Views: “Despite the conventional “knowledge” that babies eat every three hours, that’s actually just the *suggestion* of a few baby books, and ones that have been largely discredited in terms of what is most healthy for children’s growth and nutrition.

On cue feeding, that is, feeding babies whenever they are hungry, is the healthiest way to feed a young baby. For a breastfed baby it is especially important because on cue feeding ensures a well-established and well-maintained milk supply.

So, in short, when babies are hungry, they should be fed. If that’s at home, great. If it’s in the aisle at the grocery store — well, babies couldn’t care less what time it is or where you are. The great thing about breasts is that they are always ready to go — the milk is always ready and always the right temperature. Go, mother nature!

This is exactly why laws are in place to protect babies right to breastfeed where ever and when ever they need to do so. Healthy babies and healthy milk supply depend on it. Those who suggest mothers “schedule” their outings so they don’t have to breastfeed are either just ignorant of how babies and breastfeeding works, or don’t care. Neither reason is compelling to me.”