“Law enforcement agencies regularly recover assault weapons during searches conducted while investigating other crimes. One in five police officers killed in the line of duty during 1998-2001 were slain with assault weapons, which may explain why the International Association of Chiefs of Police
supports a federal ban.”http://www.csgv.org/atf/cf/%7B23E96A35-4C75-41EE-BDDD-4BD3A3B59010%7D/awb_report.pdf
“In the 1980s and early 1990s, law enforcement reported that assault weapons were the “weapons of choice” for drug traffickers, gangs, terrorists, and paramilitary extremist groups that they often faced in violent encounters. As Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton said recently:
There is a reason that these weapons are so appealing to criminals. They are designed to be easily concealed and kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Congress must act and act now to protect the American public and our police officers from these deadly weapons. This is about public safety and law enforcement.25
Because of their high firepower, assault weapons in the hands of criminals leave the police badly outgunned. Congress acted to ban these guns in 1994 after learning of the tragic consequences of these guns for our nation’s law enforcement officers.26 For example:
For these reasons, law enforcement has been united in support of banning these weapons. Every major national law enforcement organization in the country supported the Federal Assault Weapons Act and worked for its passage. The police groups fighting to save the statute include the Fraternal Order of Police, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Major Cities Chiefs, International Brotherhood of Police Officers, Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association, National Black Police Association, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, Police Executive Research Forum, and Police Foundation.