
Argument: Landmines serve a humanitarian purpose by deterring war

Issue Report: Mine Ban Treaty (Ottawa Treaty)


“South Korea Extols Some of the Benefits of Land Mines”. New York Times. 3 Sept 1997 – as supporters of mines here see it, land mines in South Korea are virtually a symbol of peace and security […] ‘Many people talk about the humanitarian aspects of land mines,’ said Lieut. Gen. Park Yong Ok, the Deputy Defense Minister and a fervent defender of the mines. ‘Deterrence of war is more humanitarian than anything. If we fail to deter war, a tremendous number of civilians will be killed. And the use of land mines is a very effective way of deterring war.'”

General Park, the Deputy Defense Minister. – “From a military standpoint and from a humanitarian standpoint,” he argued, “it is clear that we need to use land mines.”[1]