
Argument: A physical fence accompanied with border patrollers will be effective


  • CBNnews 12/28/06 – “There’s one thing technology cannot do — arrest people. That takes agents on the ground. In May, President Bush moved to beef up Customs and Border Protection forces with up to 6,000 National Guard troops. Now six months later, I went to see if this strategy is paying off. ‘The National Guard troops that deployed down here have made an amazing difference for us – it’s almost a miracle for us that they are here,’ said Jim Hawkins, an agent with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Tucson Sector. ‘Anything that we had to pull an agent off the line to do these guys can do – and they can do it well.’ [When a Guardsmen was asked if] he felt like he was making a difference with the work he’s now doing, he said, “I actually think we are, because from the site that we have here, and the other sites out that way, we’re pretty much funneling them for the border patrol, and they won’t have to worry about these areas because we have these areas.”