
Argument: Attempts to enforce the criminalization of polygamy have failed badly

Issue Report: Polygamy

Reasons to agree

  1. “Anti-polygamy statutes assault civil liberties”. Daily Herald. June 25th, 2006 – “Mary Batchelor, Sandy, Past attempts to stamp out polygamy ended in disaster, The Daily Herald’s reasoning for legalizing polygamy is right on target. In the late 1990’s former Utah Rep. Dave Zolman expressed similar views. Unfortunately, he lost re-election and was ridiculed for his suggestion that Utah owed polygamists an apology for its raids against them. Most Utahns today don’t know our state government and the FBI raided dozens of polygamists’ homes in the early morning hours of March 7, 1944. The children in those homes, like the children of the 1953 Arizona raid, never forgot the trauma they experienced. Lest we repeat history, Utah should decriminalize polygamy — the sooner, the better.”

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